Monday, April 6, 2020

Simple Daily Practices to stay happy

Hello all.

Well we are still in a time of great change and will remain here for some time to come. Since many of us are home where we are staying safe I thought that I would provide a few simple reminders on how to stay or find happiness and peace during this time.

1. OPEN THE CURTAINS : let light into your home. Many studies have proven that natural light kills germs and some viruses, hence it helps keep your immune system strong which keeps you healthy which keeps you happy. Further, there are many studies that prove natural light staves off depression. So this is especially important if you suffer from depression. 

2. OPEN A WINDOW: as warmer weather arrives opening windows is the best way to welcome the new season as well as to allow fresh air into your home. Breathing stagnate air is how we get sick plus listening to the sounds of life all around helps remind us that even as we are isolated we are not alone.

3. EXERCISE: this one is so important and easy. If you can go for a walk or a run, do yoga, Pilates, lift weights ( or soup cans), pace in your  home, etc .We all know of the benefits of exercise so move.

4. LAUGH: Deep pure laughter helps boost the immune system, strengthen the core and it brings one into the present moment. It is in the present moment that we can access the best information, we are awake, alert and aware of what is going on now. So there is not time to project into the future or bring up past wounds. Find ways to laugh for as long as you can each day. The more we laugh the less we stress and the easier it is to be kind and compassionate to others. 

5. FIND A HOBBY YOU LOVE. Each day engage in a hobby that brings you joy. Tapping into your creativity will bring happiness and joy  to your day which will help you bring happiness and joy to all around you. Our Creativity is where we connect with the ideas that will bring change to our lives. Right now is a great time to shake off stagnation and move life giving energy through our bodies as well as our communities. 

I know that there are many things right now that are grim but there are also many things that bring joy. If you find the joy and happiness in these changing times you will be better prepared to help bring about a new way of living on Grandmother Earth. It could be easy to give up and slip into despair yet it is just as easy and takes less energy to elevate into joy. Which will you choose?  

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