Friday, March 20, 2020

Finding Peace in Changing times

We are currently living in a time of great change. There are changes in all aspects of human life from economic to political to how we interact with our fellow humans on a daily basis. The current Corona Virus Pandemic has been sweeping the Globe touching on many aspects of our human existence. Here in the United States information has been slow to come as well as unverified at best. The CDC has been slow to act as well as our current President has been giving out unverified and at times false information. I am one of many who questions his ability to lead this Nation at a time of change, at a time when accurate information is needed most. We are living at a time when our health as a human as well as a Nation is being challenged hence it is a time where swift action is needed. Yet this post is not about my political beliefs it is about how to find peace when there is so much chaos on all fronts.

So how does one find Peace when there is so much going on around them. Well there are many saying about this all of which focus on how to use your inner locus of control to stand in the middle of the chaos and see what is really going on. In my shamanic community there are a few things at play one being able to ride the waves of chaos with out allowing it to pull you under- think of a surfer riding an energetic wave of change. This happens all the time at this moment it has greater momentum and energy behind it, hence it is a great time to practice how to ride the wave.  Then there is the concept of the dream ( not going to touch too much on this at this time) in short there are 4 levels of dreaming one of which is the personal another is that of the collective. At this time both are being brought into play. The collective is being asked to decide what direction we wish to go in. This has been happening on for a long time which just is right now we are seeing aspect of society in a new light and individual pockets of society that had been isolated from some of these aspects are having them presented to them. Then there is our relationship with our bodies and the memories they hold that is coming into play. We are being asked to take better care of our physical bodies so that we can participate in life.

While there are many others this is not the time nor place to delve into them. Now is this the time to learn how to respond rather than react and that comes from finding peace in the changes. So how have I found peace in these changing times.

1. Peace is found in remembering what I can effect or control. I can not control how others think, feel or react yet I can control those things in my self. Taking  a deep breath before speaking, remembering that nothing others do is about me and then speaking from that understanding. I can control how I view the situation and how much of my time and energy I give to it. I can either allow myself to be swept up in the chaos or I can surf the wave and see the joy in the movement. Controlling the energy in my home by keeping it clean and de-cluttering is a way for me to find peace.

2. Carrying water and chopping wood. This saying is all about returning to the basics of my practices or any practices. Once a human finds enlightenment they do not throw away the tools that got them there, instead they have a deeper understanding of their importance. That said I am breathing, closing my eyes and feeling what is going on in my body and adjusting accordingly. I am meditating, sending out healing energy to those willing to receive, and doing other self care practices. I am burning sage and incense to bring good smells to my home as well as cleanse the over all energy

3. SELF CARE is especially important when health is being attacked. So no matter what is going on in my day I am taking the steps needed to care for m body and mind. As stated already I am meditating and doing breath work.  I am also separating my self from life taking comments, energies and media. Turning off my notifications, staying away from news sources that are unverified or just life draining in general. At this time maintaining my life force is vital to staying healthy and at peace.  This includes keeping my mind free from clutter and life draining chatter.
So please do all that you can to take care of your self mentally and physically. 

4.Taking the long view. This means that while I will stay grounded in the present moment I will remember that this is just a moment in human history. That events like this one have happened before and will happen again. I have no control ( see how it all comes back to 1) over the greater out come only on how I deal with the now. Seeing the waves rolling in and out and the patterns left behind helps bring peace and allow me to have joy in the now.

This moment will pass you have to decide will  you allow the outside world to pull you into chaos and life draining energies or will you look within and find the peace of this moment.